Deep Root Indicators (DRI) and
Project Profile Indicators (PPI)
Deep Root Indicators are 66 detailed indicators co-developed by KDI, CCI, residents, and other
stakeholders. They provide a quantitative overview.
Project Profile Indicators are narrative descriptions of conditions on site according to the categories
developed in the "deep roots" indicators. They provide a qualitative overview.

stormwater quality
groundwater quality
wastewater quality
runoff: volume/ reduction/ increase/ peak
flood prone areas
estimated/ observed epth to groundwater
water intensity
evapotranspiration variation

heatwave risk
common air quality index
plant mortality
Plant biomass
land coverage/diversity/resilience
reduction in the amount of solid waste collected
energy intensity of solution
area of food producing area.

presence of NBS measures
diffusion to other actors
reclamation of contaminated land
land dedicated to pedestrians
sharing and adopting NBS in community
ecological connectivity/Connectivity of green space
technical compatibility
change in rules and regulations
neighbourhood land use change
perceptions of citizens on urban nature
economic opportunity

The extent to which the project has contributed to, or inspired, the development of new forms of financing
additional jobs in the green sector
increased use of local workforce
number of businesses attracted/lost

operational costs
capital Costs of system
subisidies provided by private funds for NBS
quality of construction
income level of beneficiaries (generalised) relative to average city income
ease of use for end users of the solutions
continued monitoring

administrative integration
public participation
proposals presented by communities
balanced project team
involvement of city administration
visibility of Results
students involved in projects or research on this project in Kenya, TZ, other countries
clear division of responsibility
professional stakeholder involvement
local community involvement in planning phase
local community involvement in implementation phase
ease of use for professional stakeholders
(dis)agreement on cost-benefit distribution
public space, health, and

aesthetic perception of different stakeholders pre and post
no. of visitors interested in NbS
public transport links
conservation of built heritage resources
increased conciousness of citizenship
advantages for end users
access to open space
residents affected by displacement
incident log
reduction in crime rate
bodily integrity: being able to move freely from place to place​