Data collection

Lab tests
Involves taking samples of water and soil to a laboratory to test their quality before
implementing the NbS project and after implementation to identify any changes. For example,
picking a sample of water leaving roofs and taking a sample of water leaving the filter drains to
see the changes in the water quality caused by the system.

Household surveys
Involves interviewing carefully sample households living around the NbS site/project area (within
a 100m radius) on issues such as flooding and its impacts on the residents. Surveys are
conducted pre & post-intervention.

Focus group discussions
Involves interviewing carefully sample households living around the NbS site/project area (within
a 100m radius) on issues such as flooding and its impacts on the residents. Surveys are
Involve identifying, mobilizing, and holding discussions with up to 8 - 10 members of the
community, target users, and or community-based organizations on indicators related to the
day-to-day functioning of NbS intervention. Some of the aspects of MEL assessed through FGDs
include benefits to the end users etc.

Semi-structured interviews
Involve formulating guide questions on aspects of the project that form part of the MEL
indicators such as operation and maintenance of the NbS project. The guiding questions are
then used to engage identified informants such as project caretakers, maintenance committee
and group officials to understand the effectiveness of the NbS project.

Field assessments
Involve visiting the site of NbS pre and post-intervention with a checklist to take note of selected
aspects and indicators such as area dedicated to food production, total area prone to
flooding, and quantity of living and dead plant and animal matter. The exercise includes taking
photos, doing calculations of areas, observing, and recording data in a checklist.

Involve visiting the project site and completing NbS project to take measurements and
approximations such as distances, area, and quantities. These include areas set aside for
different components of NbS such as access, filter drains, and food production. Tools used
include tape measures etc.

Review of records
Involve going through past project activity records such as workshop attendance signing sheets,
Internal reflection workshops - involved a session with the monitoring evaluation and learning
team within KDI to brainstorm on aspects/indicators directly related to the process that the
organisation took in undertaking the NbS project. Key areas reflected on included community
participation, involvement of local administration, and involvement of other city actors,
including the city authorities in planning and executing the NbS project.

Online survey
Involved sharing an online survey with identified persons who took part in the NbS project as well
as other stakeholders to gather their thoughts on aspects of the project. The qualitative survey
aimed to draw lessons on the planning, implementation process, and quality of the project at
the end of the project. Among the respondents included KDI staff, including researchers,
landscape architects, community team members, and beyond the organisation.